Why There’s Need To Learn a Foreign Language
When one understands a foreign language, their worldview is expanded, it removes distrust and fear of foreigners
A foreign language is a dialect not commonly spoken in a country. It is not the native language, neither is it used as a medium of instruction in schools of large numbers of people in the particular country. The language is also not widely used as a medium of communication in government setups. Foreign languages are usually taught as part of the syllabus in schools and colleges.
Why Study a Foreign Language?
People study foreign languages to communicate with foreigners or the native speakers of the language when they visit their country. Other purposes may include the need to travel abroad and the ability to read foreign instructions, literature, and other works.
Language is a key aspect of any particular culture and plays a vital role in human interaction and connection. Language has the power to build societies for it allows the sharing of thoughts and ideas, as well as, expression of feelings and desires, all necessary for the formation of meaningful relationships. Speaking a foreign language not only opens up a massive pool of potential friends, but it also acts as an instant common denominator when you meet native speakers.
Failure to understand one’s language is a major communication barrier. Imagine yourself in a foreign country whose national language you do not comprehend and neither does anyone understand yours. It would be an uphill task trying to ask for direction, getting your accommodation of choice, or any other crucial service.
Learning a foreign language expands one’s worldview and removes distrust and fear of the foreigners whose language and culture you have gotten to learn. The study of foreign languages teaches and encourages respect for other groups of people, making the learner more flexible and tolerant with them, thus becoming open-minded and having a positive attitude and behavior. This, therefore, boosts one’s confidence and also makes international travel easier and more pleasant.
The study of foreign languages teaches and encourages respect for other groups of people, making the learner more flexible and tolerant with them, thus becoming open-minded and having a positive attitude and behavior.
Be culturally and linguistically prepared
In addition, countries have to be in constant dialogue to establish and maintain good relations for their mutual benefit. Furthermore, technology has revolutionized transportation and communication and turned the world into a global village with immense interdependence between countries. All these combined have intensified the need to learn and speak a foreign language, to be both culturally and linguistically prepared to function in today’s world.
Many companies including hotel chains have become multinationals and it will therefore be almost impossible for them to hire persons who cannot speak at least one foreign language. Individual local hotels and companies will as well prefer employees who can connect with their foreign visitors in their language. This will help them win more business and create loyal customers who will in return market the business by word of mouth. As Nelson Mandela put it, “If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head. But if you talk to him in his language, that goes to his heart.” David Ogilvy, a famous businessman, and a British advertising executive, also advised that if you are trying to persuade people to do something, or buy something, then it is best to use their language, the language in which they think. It is no secret, therefore, that learning a foreign language improves one’s employment prospects, enhances guests’ satisfaction and promotes business opportunities.
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Foreign Languages at Kenya Utalii College
Kenya Utalii College fully understands the benefits of having hospitality and tourism workers who understand foreign languages. These benefits are not just to the organizations but also foreign guests and individual workers who possess the skill. The organization will be able to stay ahead of the competition due to its ability to offer enhanced quality services to foreign guests who may not understand English. As we all know, effective communication is a vital tool for any business owner. On the other hand, foreign guests feel at home in these establishments where they feel understood and respected and hence establish long-term relationships. The workers also become highly valued by their employers and are consequently well remunerated.
For this reason, the College, a premier training center charged with the responsibility to develop a highly qualified and competitive human resource for the hospitality and tourism industry both locally and globally, lays great emphasis on foreign language training. It has established three fully furnished language laboratories which enhance interactive learner/trainer environment. The institution has further engaged a team of highly knowledgeable, passionate, and dedicated foreign language lecturers to ensure that its students get the best training.
Learning of a foreign language is regarded as a course unit and a pass in its performance is a mandatory requirement for successful course completion and subsequent graduation. Each student, therefore, is required to take at least one foreign language from amongst French, German, Italian, Japanese, Chinese, and Spanish.
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